Through Our Reflections We Become Ourselves

By: Aaron S. Marvel  (PhD – 2018) We learn and are shaped by our reflections.  For this reason, I wish to share with you some of mine.   When I think about my three years as a leader in education administration and reflect on the things I did well and the things I truly regret,…

Every. Human. Ever.

“I recently read a sentence that stood out to me, and it made me think of every human ever to grace the face of this bright blue ball of a planet…it went like this:

“To expect him to deny that fierce nature of his—given to him by God Himself— is perhaps expecting too much of [him].”  (Taken from “The Triumph” by Gene Edwards)…”

Ease vs. Excellence

In life, I have found that excellence and ease rarely go hand in hand. Yet we live in a time when ease is the first choice we tend to make.